Q: How do you remove and install a drive axle on Acura TL?
A: To remove the axle shaft, first loosen the front wheel lug nuts, raise the vehicle, and support it securely on jack stands before removing the wheel. Unstake the axle shaft/hub nut using a punch or chisel, then loosen it with a large socket and breaker bar while wedging a pry bar between two wheel studs to prevent the hub from turning, and remove the nut, discarding it afterward. Next, remove the inner fender splash shield, then detach the damper fork from the lower control arm and shock absorber, separating the lower control arm from the steering knuckle. For right-side axle shaft removal, take out the front portion of the exhaust system. Swing the knuckle/hub assembly away from the vehicle until the axle shaft end is free of the hub, tapping the axle with a plastic hammer if the splines stick. Place a drain pan under the transaxle and pry the inner CV joint out using a large screwdriver or pry bar, supporting the CV joints as you carefully remove the axle shaft while keeping the inner CV joint horizontal to avoid damaging seals. For installation, pry off the old spring clip from the inner end of the axle shaft and install a new one, lubricating the differential or intermediate shaft seal with multi-purpose grease before raising the axle shaft into position. Insert the splined end of the inner CV joint into the differential side gear or intermediate shaft, ensuring the spring clip locks in place, then pull out on the inner CV joint housing to confirm secure seating. Apply a light coat of grease to the outer CV joint splines, pull out on the strut/steering knuckle assembly, and install the stub axle into the hub. Insert the steering knuckle ball joint stud into the lower control arm and tighten the nut, using a new cotter pin, then install the damper fork and stabilizer link to the lower control arm. Install a new axle shaft/hub nut, tightening it to the specified torque, and stake the collar of the nut into the slot in the axle shaft. Finally, install the wheel and lug nuts, lower the vehicle, tighten the lug nuts to the specified torque, and check the transaxle lubricant, adding as necessary to reach the appropriate level.