When installing components, it is recommended to use new self-locking nuts, bolts, and locking pins. Initially, fasteners should be lightly tightened. After installation, load the suspension by placing a floor jack under the knuckle to simulate normal ride height before tightening fasteners to specified values. Begin by loosening the rear wheel lug nuts, raising the vehicle, securing it on jackstands, and removing the wheel. For the upper arm, remove the brake hose bracket bolts while keeping the hose connected, ensuring not to kink the metal brake line. Disconnect the wheel speed sensor wire harness from the rear knuckle and remove its bracket. To disconnect the upper arm ball joint from the knuckle, remove the lock pin and loosen the castle nut, then use a ball joint separator tool to unseat the ball stud. After removing the castle nut, detach the arm from the knuckle, remove the pivot bolt attaching the inner end of the upper arm to the chassis, and then remove the upper arm, inspecting for any signs of wear. Installation is the reverse of removal, ensuring all fasteners are tightened to the correct torque after raising the rear knuckle. For the lower arm, remove the nut and bolt attaching it to the knuckle, then remove the pivot bolt and the lower arm itself, inspecting the bushings for wear. Installation follows the same reverse process with new fasteners. For the trailing arm, disconnect the parking brake cable bracket, remove the bolts attaching it to the knuckle and subframe, and inspect the bushing for deterioration before reinstalling with new fasteners. The leading arm requires the removal of bolts attaching it to the knuckle and subframe, followed by inspection and reinstallation with new fasteners. Lastly, for the control arm, remove the nut attaching it to the knuckle, mark the adjustment cam's relationship to the subframe, and remove the nut and bolt attaching the inner end to the subframe. Inspect the bushings for wear and reinstall using new fasteners, ensuring to align the marks made on the adjustment cam and subframe.
Posted by AcuraPartsWarehouse Specialist