To get to the axle shaft, take off the wheel cover or hub cap, if not staked, stakahd off the axle shaft/hub nut, and break it loose with a socket and breaker bar. Loosening the wheel lug nuts, raise your vehicle securely on jackstands, and remove the wheel. Remove the axle shaft/hub nut, drain the transaxle lubricant, disconnect the damper fork from the shock absorber assembly and lower control arm and separate the lower control arm from the steering knuckle. Tap the axle shaft, gently if the splines get stuck, so that the knuckle/hub assembly can be swung out until the axle shaft is free. Without damaging the CV joints, pry the inner end of the axle shaft off the transaxle or intermediate shaft into one hand, cradling the CV joints in the other. To install, pull off the old spring clip on the inner end of the axle shaft, lubricate the differential or intermediate shaft seal, and raise the axle shaft to position, seating the inner CV joint. Grease the outer CV joint splines, install the stub axle in the hub, and press the hub carrier balljoint onto the steering knuckle hand tight in the nut with a new cotter pin. Begin the final torque on new axle shaft/hub nut, be sure to tighten on securely but not to the final torque until the vehicle is lowered. Install the wheel and lug nuts, lowering the vehicle and tightening everything to the specified torque, with staking of the hub nut, if required, after the axle shaft has been seated. Steps to do this for the rear on 4WDs are much the same, in which you remove the wheel cover and unstake the axle shaft/hub nut, block the front wheels, raise the rear, and remove the wheel. First, detach the trailing arm from the lower suspension arm, pry it outward and remove the axle shaft from the hub and differential. Installation consists of replacing the spring clip, greasing the inner CV joint stub shaft and making sure the differential seats in it correctly. Line up the outer end of the hub with the connecting arm with the trailing arm, reconnect and tighten the bolt to the specified torque. Then secure the hub nut with the axle shaft/hub nut, and check that all of the differential lubricant is at the proper level.
Posted by AcuraPartsWarehouse Specialist