To replace the ignition switch, first disconnect the negative battery cable, followed by the positive cable, ensuring you have the correct activation code for the radio if it has an anti-theft system. Remove the lower instrument panel cover and the steering column covers, then trace the wire harness for the ignition switch down the steering column to disconnect the connectors from the fuse box and wiring harness. Check the ignition switch for continuity between the indicated connector terminals in each position; if continuity is not as specified, replace the switch. Insert the key and turn it to the Lock position, then remove the two retaining screws to detach the switch, with installation being the reverse of removal. For the lock cylinder and steering column lock assembly, check the lock cylinder in each position for wear or looseness, ensuring the key position matches the markings on the housing; if faulty, the entire assembly must be replaced. Disconnect the battery cables again, remove the steering column covers and lower instrument panel cover, and then remove the ignition switch. Remove the retaining nuts and lower the steering column. In Civic and Integra models, the lock assembly is secured with two shear-head bolts; create a dimple in each bolt's head, drill them off, separate the clamp, and remove the assembly. Position the new lock assembly without the key, tighten the bolts until snug, insert the key to check operation, and tighten the bolts until their heads break off. Raise the steering column into position, install the nuts/bolts, and tighten the steering column-to-instrument panel flange nuts to 108 in-lbs and the retaining collar clamp bolts to 16 ft-lbs. Finally, install the ignition switch, instrument panel, and steering column covers, then reconnect the positive battery cable followed by the negative cable. For CR-V models, the lock assembly is secured with one shear-head bolt; create a dimple, drill off the head, and remove the bolt. Insert the ignition key into the lock cylinder, turn it to the Accessory position, press the lock pin down, and remove the lock assembly. Position the new lock assembly with the key in the Accessory position, push it in until the lock pin clicks, install the shear-head bolt, and tighten until snug. Check the lock cylinder for proper operation, tighten the bolt until the head breaks off, raise the steering column, install the nuts/bolts, and tighten the steering column-to-instrument panel flange nuts to 12 ft-lbs and the retaining collar clamp bolts to 29 ft-lbs. Complete the process by installing the ignition switch, instrument panel, and steering column covers, then reconnect the positive battery cable followed by the negative cable.
Posted by AcuraPartsWarehouse Specialist