To remove the components, first loosen the wheel lugnuts, raise the front of the vehicle, and securely support it on jackstands before removing the wheels. Next, remove the driveaxle/hub nut, detach the brake hose bracket from the steering knuckle, and remove the brake caliper, hanging it out of the way with a piece of wire. Then, remove the caliper mounting bracket if equipped, followed by the two mounting screws that retain the brake disc to the hub, and then take off the brake disc. After that, remove the ABS wheel speed sensor, disconnect the tie-rod end from the steering knuckle, and separate the lower control arm from the balljoint at the bottom of the steering knuckle. Proceed to separate the upper end of the knuckle from the upper control arm balljoint while keeping it supported. Carefully pull the knuckle and hub assembly off the driveaxle, tapping on the end of the driveaxle with a soft-face hammer if necessary, and support the driveaxle with a piece of wire to prevent damage to the inner CV joint, being cautious not to overextend it. If the wheel bearing needs replacement, take the steering knuckle/hub assembly to a qualified repair facility for the bearing to be pressed out and a new one pressed in. For installation, apply a light coat of wheel bearing grease to the driveaxle splines, insert the driveaxle through the splined bore of the hub while guiding the steering knuckle into position, and connect the upper end of the knuckle to the upper control arm balljoint, tightening the balljoint stud nut to the specified torque and installing a new cotter pin. Next, connect the balljoint on the bottom of the knuckle to the lower control arm, tightening the nut to the specified torque and installing a new cotter pin. Attach the brake disc to the hub, install the disc retaining screws, and tighten them securely. Install the caliper mounting bracket if equipped and the caliper, tightening the bolts to the proper torque, then attach the brake hose bracket to the knuckle and tighten the bolts securely. Install the driveaxle/hub nut and tighten it to the specified torque, re-staking it with a punch or blunt chisel. Finally, install the wheel and lug nuts, lower the vehicle, and tighten the lug nuts to the specified torque.
Posted by AcuraPartsWarehouse Specialist